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April 7, 2007

The Facts About Endometriosis Laparoscopy

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Though ultrasound can be used to help find signs of endometriosis, this is something that does not tell the true tale of what is going on in many women. Though ultrasound is a great tool for many things, it does have a disadvantage when it comes to diagnosing this condition. There are times when it just can’t pick up the nodules that often indicate that there is a problem. The next step after this type of diagnostics is to then use endometriosis laparoscopy surgery to get a better look at what is going on.

Laparoscopy is a tool that is used in many different areas of medicine. This tool takes some practice, but gives the doctor eyes to see inside the body without being as invasive. This is a tiny camera that can be put into the body through a very tiny opening. It has a light attached, and can be used to aid in surgeries like gastric bypass, and can also used for exploratory surgery to search for signs of endometriosis, among other things. This greatly cuts down on recovery time for many people.

When a person is getting this for endometriosis, the doctor will probably make a small incision in the belly button. The patient can be either completely knocked out, and in some cases, a local anesthetic can be used so that the patient can remain awake. A small tube containing both light and a tiny video camera are inserted. Many times, some sort of gas (almost always carbon dioxide), is insert so that the abdomen inflates. This allows the camera and the surgeon to see better. This also allows others to view the surgery as well. The spots that are suspected as being areas with endometriosis growth will be explored.

There are times when this is done to see what is going on, and other times, it can be used to help the surgeon see where the endometriosis is located for removal. Though removal is sometimes possible without more incisions, there may be instances when more incisions might be needed to remove the tissues that need to be taken from the body for biopsy purposes. These incisions are usually located down near the pubic area, or what is referred to as the bikini area. A doctor should go over all of the possibilities of what might happen and what might be done during the surgery and anything that they might do as a result.

Once endometriosis laparoscopy is done, a patient should recover rather quickly. Nausea is quite common, and recovery might take a few days. There may be some pain in the shoulders due to the gas that was used during the surgery. That should go away rather quickly. There may be some pain and discomfort, but a patient will be given pain killers to handle it. If pain goes above and beyond what the pills can handle, or if a person develops a fever, they should go back in to their doctor to make sure everything is okay.

About the Author: Grab your free copy of Shelley Ross’ brand new Endometriosis Newsletter – Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you discover more about endometriosis signs

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