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August 14, 2008

What is scabies?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Ashlynn @ 10:48 am

Scabies is a skin condition that is spread mainly by prolonged direct skin-to-skin contact, such as touching a person who has scabies. It can affect people of any age, race, or sex, regardless of personal hygiene.

What are the symptoms?

Becauses the symptoms are often not visible, a person with scabies may not know they have the condition. However, when there are symptoms, they may include:

  • intense itching (usually at night)
  • small bumps or rashes that appear in dirty-looking, small curling lines, especially on the penis, between the fingers, on buttocks, breasts, wrists, and thighs, and around the belly button

It can take 2-6 weeks for the symptoms of scabies to develop. But if you’ve recently had scabies and get reinfected, you may be itching again within hours.

How do I know if I have scabies?

Self diagnosis can be difficult, so it’s best you see your doctor if you suspect you have scabies. He or she will most likely take a scraping from your skin and examine it with a microscope. Sometimes a biopsy, or skin sample, may be necessary.

Can scabies be treated?

The treatments commonly prescribed for scabies are Nix, Elimite, or Scabene. Read and follow the directions carefully. To avoid reinfection, treatment may have to be administered to everyone who came in close contact with you.

Thoroughly wash or dry clean all bedding, towels, and clothing that you have used. Vaccuuming all the floors in your house is recommended as well.

This information is advisory only. It does not contain all information about this type of skin condition. If you have any questions about scabies, ask your doctor, pharmacist, or healthcare provider.

Birth Control Buzz is a service company that provides birth control prices, types of birth control (prescription required), health administrative services, and birth control statistics predominantly to US patients seeking to purchase pharmaceuticals on-line.

For more information, call 1-866-868-8850 or visit http://www.birthcontrolbuzz.com/.

Birth Control Buzz is a service company that provides birth control prices, types of birth control(prescription required), health administrative services, and birth control statistics predominantly to US patients seeking to purchase pharmaceuticals on-line. For more information, call 1-866-868-8850 or visit http://www.birthcontrolbuzz.com/.

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