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August 23, 2010

Women using Birth Control Pills have Increased Brain Function

A recent study from Salzburg University in Austria has concluded that contraceptive pills can increase the areas of the brain associated with memory and social skills.

The research showed that contraceptives enhance the brain’s conversation area which leads to improved social skills. Gray matter area essential for memory also grows in size by about 3% with oral contraceptive use.

Scientists took images of the brains of 14 men and 28 women (some of which were using the pill).  The women who were not using birth control pills were scanned several times over a one month period to tract their natural hormonal fluctuations.  Areas of the brain in women taking the pill were larger than the brains of the women who were not.  The growth in women only occurred in regions of the brain that were naturally larger than men to begin with – such as the areas involved in conversation.  The pill had little effect on the areas of women’s brains that are more dominant in men, such as special skills and map reading.

The results were the same regardless of the type of birth control used or the length of time it had been prescribed for.

Studies have previously been conducted on the differences in brain structure between men and women, however this is the first time a study has looked at the impact of hormonal contraceptives on the brain.

It was concluded that the sex hormones in the pill have a significant effect on the brain.  An increase in the volume of a brain area can actually improve the functions related to that area.  The changes are more likely to affect the skills (such as memory and verbal skills) that are already more developed in women compared to men.

It is possible that the estrogen and progesterone in the pill can help strengthen the links between nerve cells in the brain.  The brains size overall did not increase with the use of hormonal contraceptives, and it is not known whether the increased areas will return back to their original size if a woman stops using the pill.

Birth Control Buzz is a service company that provides birth control prices, types of birth control(prescription required), health administrative services, and birth control statistics predominantly to US patients seeking to purchase pharmaceuticals on-line. For more information, call 1-866-868-8850 or visit http://www.birthcontrolbuzz.com/.

March 25, 2010

Birth Control Pills Lengthen Life

A British medical study that has recently concluded that women who have taken birth control pills are more likely to have a longer lifespan. This study observed the effects of the first generation of birth control pills in over forty thousand women, and has compared the number of deaths of those who were taking the pill to those who weren’t since 1968. Overall, this study demonstrated that the health benefits of taking birth control pills can outweigh any initial risks associated with taking birth control.

In fact, this research has further shown that taking the pill decreases the risk of death caused by bowel cancer by an average of thirty-eight percent. And although birth control has been proven to slightly raise the risk of developing breast and cervical cancer, this study demonstrated that overall, birth control pills decrease the chance of dying from any other diseases, including heart disease and all cancers by twelve percent.

But before jumping on board with birth control forever, remember that this method of contraception is not without risk, and that it’s important to outline your medical history with a doctor before taking the pill. The birth control pills that were observed in this study are slightly different than the modern products, which may not have the same life-lengthening benefits.
Though the women in this study took birth control pills all at various points in their lives for various amounts of time, the study concluded that “Oral contraception [is] not associated with an increased long term risk of death” so much that a net benefit is truly apparent.

Birth Control Buzz is a service company that provides birth control prices, types of birth control(prescription required), health administrative services, and birth control statistics predominantly to US patients seeking to purchase pharmaceuticals on-line. For more information, call 1-866-868-8850 or visit http://www.birthcontrolbuzz.com/.

Birth Control Buzz is a service company that provides birth control prices, types of birth control(prescription required), health administrative services, and birth control statistics predominantly to US patients seeking to purchase pharmaceuticals on-line. For more information, call 1-866-868-8850 or visit http://www.birthcontrolbuzz.com/.

October 13, 2009

Could The Pill Be To Blame For The Jonas Brothers Fame?

Could the fame of one of the most popular musical acts, be the result of birth control? Yes, I am talking about the Jonas Brothers. I’ve always wondered how they became so popular. But now science, my good old friend, may have found the answer. Birth control.

A recent study came up with the findings that women are attracted to certain types of men at different times of the month. During ovulation, the period where women are most fertile, women find masculine men more attractive. While during the other part of the month the more feminine men will have an advantage. This is why they believe that macho guys like Sean Connery (think Bond here) aren’t perceived as the more attractive of the two types of males. It also explains how in only a generation the more feminine, non-alpha male has now suddenly become the most desired trait a woman is looking for.

But how does birth control change all of this? Good question. Well according to the research, because birth control stops ovulation, women who take the pill don’t actually experience that point in the month where they are attracted to the manly type of men. Instead they are constantly within that phase of finding feminine guys who they think will be better at caring for children attractive.

However, the survey also flipped views and looked at women from the perspective of the males. The report showed that men find women more attractive when they are ovulating. Bad news for women on the pill is, they don’t ovulate and are often found less attractive to men. An experiment was conducted featuring lap dancers. Dancers that were ovulating made $20 more and hour in tips than women who weren’t ovulating.

Birth Control Buzz is a service company that provides birth control prices, types of birth control(prescription required), health administrative services, and birth control statistics predominantly to US patients seeking to purchase pharmaceuticals on-line. For more information, call 1-866-868-8850 or visit http://www.birthcontrolbuzz.com/.

Birth Control Buzz is a service company that provides birth control prices, types of birth control(prescription required), health administrative services, and birth control statistics predominantly to US patients seeking to purchase pharmaceuticals on-line. For more information, call 1-866-868-8850 or visit http://www.birthcontrolbuzz.com/.