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August 25, 2011

Inconsistent Evidence with Birth Control Causes a False Scare

Today’s society has created a huge suspension in the effects of pharmaceutical drugs due to their immense impact. Skepticism and doubt in birth control pills has been on the rise due to contradicting evidence done by research test. However, even with the media hype there is still a lack in proper biological evidence to say certain birth control pills are directly harmful.

The newest issue to arise is birth control pills that contain a newer form of progestin called drospirenone which increases women’s chances of getting a blood clot. Some tests have shown small results that there is a correlation between the new form of progestin and blood clots. Yasmin, Yaz and Ocella are the main birth control pills that are under review at the moment, because they are newer birth control pills and have a slightly different formula. Previous generations of birth control pills did not contain this new formula. More than 4,000 women are suing Bayer, which is the company that produces Yasmin and Yaz as well as more than 800 women have joined in a class-action lawsuit. Yet Yazmin and Yaz continue to stay in the market bringing in 2 billion dollars in sales in 2009.

The confusion lies in the contradictory research evidence. Other studies have shown that the overall risk of serious blood clots remains low with the Ocella birth control pills containing drospirenone. In fact a woman who is pregnant has a high chance of getting blood clots than compared to the chances they would have taking another birth control pill containing drospirenone.

Inconsistent evidence along with some isolated cases of a personal bad reaction and the media have caused a fear amongst Yasmin, Yaz and Ocella users. However woman that are obese, older than 35, are smokers or have family history of blood clots should not be taking birth control pills at all. Birth control pills react differently to everyone so it’s important to consult your doctor regularly. There are many other types of birth control pills which are safe and effective.

Birth Control Buzz is a service company that provides birth control prices, types of birth control(prescription required), health administrative services, and birth control statistics predominantly to US patients seeking to purchase pharmaceuticals on-line. For more information, call 1-866-868-8850 or visit http://www.birthcontrolbuzz.com/.

July 25, 2011

False Accusations towards the birth control pill Yaz and Yasmin is leading towards a “pill scare”

Filed under: Yasmin,Yaz — Tags: , , , , — Kcondon @ 4:45 pm

Birth control has been a controversial issue in healthcare. “The pill” as it is commonly referred to as has been evolving over time causing extensive studies to be done. There has been birth control scares in the past causing fear and confusion which still continues to live on in the birth control world. False advertising and not fully disclosing the side effects of birth control pills has produced class action law suits in the past.

The most recent class action law suit dealing with birth control has been against Yaz and Yasmin which are considered to be”fourth-generation” oral contraceptives. Two studies done on Yaz and Yasmin suggested that it posed a higher risk of venous thromboembolism compared to other birth control pills in the market. Venous thromboembolism is rare condition on its own but is a life threatening condition defined as a blockage of an artery in the lungs by fat, air, blood clot, or tumor cells. Birth control pills increase the odds of getting a venous thromboembolism in women. The overall risk is one in every 2000 women who don’t take the pill, and nine to 10 per 10,000 for users. The Yaz birth control pill and Yasmin birth control pill has proven to be within the safe regulations.

However, the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada has reported that the studies done are in fact false which means the pills carry the same risks as other birth control drugs on the market. The recent contradictory evidence and the subsequent media coverage has generated fear and confusion among its users. This has spawned a class action law suit which will further examine the drug. What doctors are worried about is the spread of confusion to all general oral contraceptives and drospirenone-containing oral contraceptives in particular. As principal author Dr. Robert Reid, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Queen’s University in Kingston says, “We were concerned that it was going to generate another pill scare like the ones we’ve seen in the past.”

A European surveillance study sponsored by Bayer Inc. supports what doctors have been saying along. The study showed, “Nearly 60,000 new users of various birth control pills found no difference in blood clot rates between Yasmin and Yaz and other birth control pills on the market”. Dr. Reid believes that the pill’s estrogen dose is the primary cause for blood clots. The first birth control pills contained 150 micrograms of estrogen while now most pills contain 35 micrograms or less. Reid mentions, “The trade-off is that, as you lower the dose of estrogen, you start to get more spotting. Women get fed up with it and they become non-compliant — they stop using the pill and then they run a risk of getting pregnant, which has a much higher risk of blood clot than any pill”. Gynecologists are now warning that the scare can result in unwanted pregnancies and cause a domino effect amongst all birth control pills.

Birth Control Buzz is a service company that provides birth control prices, types of birth control(prescription required), health administrative services, and birth control statistics predominantly to US patients seeking to purchase pharmaceuticals on-line. For more information, call 1-866-868-8850 or visit http://www.birthcontrolbuzz.com/.

April 22, 2010

The Risks of Combination Birth Control Pills

There’s a lot of negativity associated with combination pills like Yaz and Yasmin where there really shouldn’t be. There are lawsuits all over TV and the internet that suggest combination birth control pills causes pancreatic cancer or organ failure. In reality, these lawsuits should not exist.

It is a patient’s job to ask questions and assess risks with their doctors before taking any medications. In addition, a new article from The Medical Letter – Volume 52, Issue 1334, 2010, reveals that although combination oral contraceptives increase the risk of developing venous thromboembolism (VTE), the risk is low. In fact, the risk of developing VTE while taking oral contraceptives is no different than the risk you have when you are pregnant. Pregnant women have a higher risk of developing VTE than women taking combination pills.

It is even debatable that the risk of developing VTE is worth the benefits that the pill provides. In addition to preventing pregnancy combination birth control pills can lower your risk of developing endometrial cancer, and reduce dysfunctional uterine bleeding, reduce acne, control menstrual periods, and reduce the symptoms of PMS. It is estimated that over 40,000 women in the United States will develop endometrial cancer this year, compared to the strongly age dependent VTE that will occur in 8-10 women in 10,000. All methods of birth control have their own set of risks and benefits. If you are concerned about your risks while taking birth control, don’t be hesitant to ask your doctor. You can’t rely on what you see on TV or hear from others when it comes to choosing the right form of contraceptive for you.

Birth Control Buzz is a service company that provides birth control prices, types of birth control(prescription required), health administrative services, and birth control statistics predominantly to US patients seeking to purchase pharmaceuticals on-line. For more information, call 1-866-868-8850 or visit http://www.birthcontrolbuzz.com/.

Birth Control Buzz is a service company that provides birth control prices, types of birth control(prescription required), health administrative services, and birth control statistics predominantly to US patients seeking to purchase pharmaceuticals on-line. For more information, call 1-866-868-8850 or visit http://www.birthcontrolbuzz.com/.